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When Harry Cotton came back to Wales, Angharad Owain found paradise - despite her father´s violent warnings against the Cottons of Llyn Fair. For she and Harry were in love, untouchable. Until a shocking revelation drives Angahard to flee, pregnant and penniless, to London. There, struggling to make a new life for herself and her child, she resolves to put the past behind her, joy and heartache alike. But neither time nor success can banish her memories. In the end, Angaharad must confront the sinister shadows that lie between her and Harry - the man she will always love, but may never have.

Autor: Rosie Thomas
Ausgabe: 1993
Verlag: Penguin Books
Einband: Taschenbuch
Seiten: 347
Sprache: Deutsch
Zustand: gut

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